...Especially when that field trip is on a Whale Watch! Being a true Cape Codder, I LOVE being on the water. Though my parents never owned a boat while I was growing up, I've still been around and adored them my whole life.
Thursday, June 20, I got to accompany some students on a 7th and 8th grade Whale Watch trip and I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures. I wish I could share the pictures of the kids, they were so beautiful! Alas, that is highly against school rules...so we won't be doing that.
Here you can see a Minke Whale next to another Whale Watch in the distance. I liked the comparison you are able to make since it's right next to the boat. |
No sea creatures in this one, I just loved the boat and the reflection of the cloud on the water |
A Minke Whale friend who was mere feet from our Whale Watch! Stellwagen Bank #CapeCod |
There she blows! A Minke Whale in Stellwagen Bank #CapeCod |
This is a 30 ft Basking Shark. He got right up next to us, you'll see in a couple pictures from now. #CapeCod |
A clearer picture. The white under his nose is his mouth wide open. Since Basking Sharks don't have teeth, they take in krill from the water to eat. #CapeCod |
This guy got pretty friendly! You can see the railing of the boat on the left-hand side of the picture. Basking Shark, Stellwagen Bank. #CapeCod |
In the distance, the building on the left is Race Point Lighthouse in Provincetown, MA, and the tiny grey-ish rectangle to the right is Pilgrim Monument, also in Provincetown. I really love the clarity and texture of the water, so beautiful. #CapeCod |
A friendly boater living the life near Sandy Neck on Cape Cod, MA. |
Sandy Neck Lighthouse, Cape Cod, MA...how lucky are we to live in such a beautiful place?! |
Ahhhh these pictures make me feel so happy! I am so lucky to live in an area filled with such gorgeous, natural sights.
Thanks for checking these out and feel free to Pin them on Pinterest!
Thanks for sharing this with us! Some really amazing features.
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